
av ole, torsdag, december 19, 2019, 00:50 (1583 dagar sedan) @ Håkan

Jag tror Håkan, att man ska va en aning försiktig med kraftuttryck
i det här sammanhanget.

I en förstand kan man ganska så säkert lita på PISA, och det är därför
att dom i rapporten, iaf i den engelska, redovisar facts och sina metoder
mycket noggrant.

Vad angår det där med att inte alla är med, 11% tagit bort, så står det ju
klart i rapporten.....

"The sampling standards used in PISA only permitted countries and economies
to exclude up to a total of 5 % of the relevant population (i.e. 15-year-old
students enrolled in school at grade 7 or higher) either by excluding schools
or excluding students within schools. All but 16 countries and economies –
Sweden (11.09 %), Israel (10.21 %), Luxembourg (7.92 %), Norway (7.88 %),
Canada (6.87 %), New Zealand (6.78 %), Switzerland (6.68 %), the Netherlands (6.24 %),
Cyprus (5.99 %), Iceland (5.99 %), Kazakhstan (5.87 %), Australia (5.72 %),
Denmark (5.70 %), Turkey (5.66 %), the United Kingdom (5.45 %) and Estonia (5.03 %)
– achieved this standard, and in 28 countries and economies, the overall exclusion rate
was less than 2 % (Table I.A2.1) When language exclusions9 were accounted for
(i.e. removed from the overall exclusion rate), Estonia and Iceland no longer had exclusion
rates greater than 5 %. More details can be found in the PISA 2018 Technical Report
(OECD, forthcoming[1])."

Senn står det mycket mera, blant annat
"Annex A7. Comparing reading, mathematics and science performance across PISA cycles "

Där finner man blant annat:
"Adjusted trends"
"PISA maintains its technical standards over time. Although this means that trends can be calculated over populations defined in a consistent way, the share of the 15-year-old population that this represents, and/or the demographic characteristics of 15-year-old students can also be subject to change, for example because of migration.

Because trend analyses illustrate the pace of progress of successive cohorts of students, in order to draw reliable conclusions from such results, it is important to examine the extent to which they are driven by changes in the coverage rate of the sample and in the demographic characteristics of students included in the sample. Three sets of trend results were therefore developed: unadjusted trends, adjusted trends accounting for changes in enrolment, and adjusted
trends accounting for changes in the demographic characteristics of the sample. Adjusted trends represent trends in performance estimated after neutralising the impact of concurrent changes in the demographic characteristics of the sample."

Mera detaljer om detta finns här:

Dom tar också upp frågan:
"How comparable are the PISA 2018 computer- and paper-based tests? "
Det kan man läsa om här:

Ja, ja, nu har jag inte tid med mer PISA.

Jag säger med Svensk Näringsliv, "Det fins anledning at glädjas åt den senaste PISA-undersökningen, men inte skäl at slå sig till ro. Utmaningarna är fortfarande avsevärda."


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