
Vilket dj-a liv det blev...

av Anders J ⌂ @, Inte längre Ståckhålmare, men nästan..., måndag, november 23, 2009, 19:36 (5270 dagar sedan) @ cptn G

Det är ju som att leda teknikutveckling, en regelföljare är inte kreativ och en idéspruta följer inte regler. Man måste välja men måste ändå ha av båda, ett litet fåtal är medvetna om detta och kan i någon mån byta i farten alltefter behovet. Men det är ytterst ovanligt.

Ur en text jag hittat någonstans:

SWEDISH MANAGERS are practical and technically capable but not very imaginative. Philosophy and abstract thinking baffle them. They have no humor and take everything you say literally. They often spend more time telling you what is wrong with their products than what's good about them.

Managers shun conflicts and put off decisions until they reach consensus (in a manner that appears wishy-washy even to the Japanese). Organizations are flat with responsibility delega­ted way down. It's never clear who's in charge of what and why.

Swedes dress in sports shirts, slacks and sandals for busi­ness meetings. Being neurotic about punctuality, they begin and end meetings exactly when scheduled. They go straight to the point, without preliminaries. Their answers are short and they remain silent if they have nothing to say (although Finns think Swedes talk too much).

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